Just 12 Moments to Look Forward to
Last updated on October 14th, 2023 at 06:30 pm
It seems to be a unanimous feeling across the Nation that this lockdown is hitting harder than the others. Just a little reminder that better days are on the horizon and we’ll soon be back out there living our best lives. You got this. Hoping these little moments to look forward to provide some motivation for all the fun times we will have once this madness is over. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt USD-1106399151 ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.
Clicking ‘apply’ on your out of office, knowing that YOU’RE ACTUALLY LEAVING THE COUNTRY and not taking annual leave just to sit in the same room that you’ve worked in for the last ten months and stare at Netflix.
That moment the lights go down at a concert, the crowd surges forward and you feel the first beat of the opening song pulse through your body.
The first warm evening of the Spring, where you’ll find anything to do in the evening, as long as it involves being outside because it’s actually warm enough in England to not wear a jacket.
That Friday feeling when you actually have plans in the evening. Don’t get me wrong, I still get the ‘yay Friday’ feeling in lockdown, but nothing beats having fun plans for the evening knowing that you have two days off after.
Realising there’s twenty minutes left of happy hour so ordering four drinks, because obviously it makes economical sense, and watching things descend into silliness.
When the pilot announces that you need to stay in your seats and the toilets are being locked as you’re beginning the descent, and you know that within the hour you’ll be stepping out of the airport in another country.

That first pint of the Spring when it’s warm enough to stand outside the pub in the sunshine and you know summer is just around the corner.
Stepping off the plane and feeling the hot air hit you like a wall. Cliche, BUT IT’S TRUE.
When you go out for dinner and drinks and end up in a bar, despite being completely underdressed. But you don’t really care as it’s spontaneous and fun.
Having dinner in the garden with family or friends, wrapping up in blankets, lighting a mosquito candle once the sun’s gone down and sitting out chatting until gone midnight, without having realised it.
Your alarm going off at silly-o-clock in the early hours and you’re half annoyed as it’s the middle of the night still, but also buzzing inside because HOLIDAY.
And lastly, seeing your family, friends and colleagues faces in the flesh rather than through a screen. Hugging each other. Sharing a proper laugh rather than a typed ‘lol’ or the laughing emoji. Aaaah.


Becky | Uptown Oracle
twenty minutes to happy hour is a feeling I am so excited for (despite me being the friend that takes a nap in the corner of the bar!)
Becky | Uptown Oracle
This is a wonderful post! I’m looking forward to these things. Thanks for sharing. It made my day.
Such a sweet and lighthearted post, love it! Thanks for sharing.
Love the positive thinking in this and put smile on my face today when I needed it too
What a nicely done post giving us all that hope that things will return to normal one day soon, and look forward to the things we took for granted all the years before. Great job!
Ohhhh this was so lovely! Thank you for sharing– can’t WAIT to experience all of these things again! Especially travel! Hoping to visit London again soon, so will definitely be checking back in on your blog for all your amazing tips.
I love this post! One of the worst parts of lockdown for me (mentally) has been the fact that I can’t look forward to anything- or I look forward to something and then the government decides to change its policy again and we go back into lockdown. So these are some lovely and uplifting thoughts, thank you x
Struggling a lot with the feeling of having nothing to look forward to in lockdown, so was nice to read this and remember that eventually we will have holidays and eating out and seeing friends etc to look forward to!