Creating a Travel Scrapbook: 5 Tips & Tricks For Getting Creative
Last updated on August 3rd, 2021 at 09:19 pm
AD – this is a sponsored post, however all views are my own
With much of the world shut to new adventures, having beautiful photos to reminisce over has never been more important. There’s something so special about printing photos out rather than looking at them on a screen; creating keepsakes to treasure forever. Not only do scrapbooks provide a way of remembering your travels forever, but they also provide a great screen-free activity to keep you occupied during lockdown. If you’re planning on creating a travel scrapbook, we have 5 tips and tricks to help bring your memories to life for years to come.

#1 Layout
Before you begin cutting and pasting, you need to have some idea of how to lay out your travel scrapbook. Two options are to organise it chronologically with a page dedicated to each day of your trip, or dedicating separate sections to food and drink, day trips, landmarks, photography etc. Depending on how long your trips are and the frequency that you travel, you may want to create a separate scrapbook for each trip, or have one giant scrapbook spanning a few years with sections for each time you travel.
There are so many options of how to lay out the pages in a travel scrapbook. From alternating pages between photos and notes, or laying it out similar to Instagram with a caption beneath photo, you can make yours completely unique. If you’re stuck for ideas, there are plenty of layout ideas on Pinterest.
#2 Embellishments
Part of the fun of creating a scrapbook is finding fun nick-nacks to jazz up your pages with. For a personal touch, I like to include tickets, tags and receipts from a trip to add another dimension that just photos. However if you’re creating a travel scrapbook from a past trip that you don’t have any keepsakes from, there are so many stickers, gems and page inserts that you can buy online. Postcards are great for filling out a scrapbook, they often have incredible photos of famous landmarks and can be found so cheaply in most locations.

#3 Headings and Annotations
However you’re organising your scrapbook, page headers or annotations are essential for keeping your photos and mementos organised. Anecdotes, quotes or even writing out your Instagram captions or Tweets from your trip add another dimension to your scrapbook than just visual images. Do you want to add short snappy notes, or write longer paragraphs to accompany each photo?
Whether you want to add notes to each page or only annotate the really special photos, it’s imperative to keep your font style consistent for an aesthetically pleasing scrapbook. Fancy fonts from Font Bundles have all the designs that you need to create beautiful digital or printed designs. With over 200 fonts to download for free once you’ve signed up for an account, there’s something for everyone. Design, print, cut out, stick and you’re good to go!
#4 The Book Itself
So, now you have a great layout and loads of content for your travel scrapbook, you need something fitting to put it again! As with all elements of scrapbooking, the possibilities here are endless. You could scour the internet for location themed notepads (find London themed notepads here), however bear in mind that these will often be lined. For a New York style scrapbook that I created a couple of years ago, I used a plain notepad with good quality pages then wrapped the cover with New York wrapping paper. Or why not cover the front of the book with postcards, and cover in sticky back plastic to keep it shiny and neat forever?

#5 Photography Style
For trips yet to come, you might want to consider taking or editing your photos in a certain style. A consistent style of photo throughout a travel scrapbook will keep it looking really professional and pleasing on the eye. A search through the hashtags on Instagram can give great inspiration for photos to take and angles to use for landmarks. Alternatively, why not use a preset on your photos, so that they all look the same? Nothing worse than getting back from a trip and realising there’s so many good photos that you could have taken!
Hopefully these travel scrapbook ideas and tips have inspired you to get creative and make your own. Not only do they give you a beautiful way of displaying your photos, a scrapbook is also a therapeutic way to fill your time, away from a screen. Have you made your own travel scrapbook? Let me know below!

These are such great ideas! I need to start doing this when I travel (hopefully soon!). I love the idea of incorporating the ticket stubs. Thanks for sharing!
The LDN Lifestyle
I love having keepsakes other than photos to include! Can’t wait to be travelling again soon x
These are all great tips! I used to love so much making scrap book when I travelled! It was such a great way to keep everything in one place and getting back to it when I felt sad or missed it! Thank you for sharing x
The LDN Lifestyle
They’ve been so nice to look back on over lockdown, a reminder of all the fun times that we’ll be returning to again soon! Glad you enjoyed x
This looks great! I am always intimidated by scrapbooks but after reading this I may give it another go! Thank you!
The LDN Lifestyle
Oh I’m glad! They’re so lovely to look back on x